An updated nomenclature for plant ribosomal protein genes


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Ban et al . (2014) proposed a nomenclature for ribosomal proteins (r-proteins) that reflects the current understanding of ribosomal protein evolution. In the past few years, this nomenclature has been widely adopted among biomedical researchers and microbiologists. This homology-based r-protein nomenclature has not been as widely adopted among plant biologists, however, presumably because r-protein nomenclature is much more complicated in plants due to gene duplication. Here, we propose compatible upgrades to the homology-guided nomenclature proposed by Ban et al . (2014) so that this naming system can be adopted for widespread use in the plant biology community. We note that [Lan et al . (2022)][1] recently proposed updated nomenclature for plant cytosolic ribosomal proteins, focused on Arabidopsis and rice. The nomenclature outlined here is an extension of that proposed by [Lan et al . (2022)][1], expanding to include organellar ribosomes and additional species, with the intent that this nomenclature can serve as a template to guide future plant genome annotations. A more detailed comparison highlighting how this naming system builds on the Ban et al . (2014) and [Lan et al . (2022)][1] nomenclatures is offered below. At this time, we request community feedback on this proposed nomenclature so that the naming system ultimately chosen represents a broad consensus. Feedback can be communicated to the this working group at plantribosome{at} before July 25th, 2022. Coauthors of this letter and anyone in the scientific community expressing significant interest will then discuss this feedback as a group, reach a consensus agreement, and communicate the updated nomenclature rules through a letter to the editor (expected to be published at The Plant Cell ) and the databases at TAIR and MaizeGDB. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest. [1]: #ref-6
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