
Toward a Generalizable Deep CNN for Neural Drive Estimation Across Muscles and Participants

Journal of neural engineering(2023)

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Objective. High-density electromyography (HD-EMG) decomposition algorithms are used to identify individual motor unit (MU) spike trains, which collectively constitute the neural code of movements, to predict motor intent. This approach has advanced from offline to online decomposition, from isometric to dynamic contractions, leading to a wide range of neural-machine interface applications. However, current online methods need offline retraining when applied to the same muscle on a different day or to a different person, which limits their applications in a real-time neural-machine interface. We proposed a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) framework for neural drive estimation, which takes in frames of HD-EMG signals as input, extracts general spatiotemporal properties of MU action potentials, and outputs the number of spikes in each frame. The deep CNN can generalize its application without retraining to HD-EMG data recorded in separate sessions, muscles, or participants. Approach. We recorded HD-EMG signals from the vastus medialis and vastus lateralis muscles from five participants while they performed isometric contractions during two sessions separated by similar to 20 months. We identified MU spike trains from HD-EMG signals using a convolutive blind source separation (BSS) method, and then used the cumulative spike train (CST) of these MUs and the HD-EMG signals to train and validate the deep CNN. Main results. On average, the correlation coefficients between CST from the BSS and that from deep CNN were 0.983 +/- 0.006 for leave-one-out across-sessions-and-muscles validation and 0.989 +/- 0.002 for leave-one-out across-participants validation. When trained with more than four datasets, the performance of deep CNN saturated at 0.984 +/- 0.001 for cross validations across muscles, sessions, and participants. Significance. We can conclude that the deep CNN is generalizable across the aforementioned conditions without retraining. We could potentially generate a robust deep CNN to estimate neural drive to muscles for neural-machine interfaces.
high-density electromyography,neural drive,deep CNN,human-machine interface
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