Circadian and environmental signal integration in a natural population of Arabidopsis


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Plants sense and respond to environmental cues during 24 h fluctuations in their environment. This requires the integration of internal cues such as circadian timing with environmental cues such as light and temperature to elicit cellular responses through signal transduction. However, the integration and transduction of circadian and environmental signals within plants growing in natural environments remains poorly understood. To gain insights into the 24 h dynamics of environmental signalling in nature, we performed a field study of signalling from the nucleus to chloroplasts in a natural population of Arabidopsis halleri. Using advanced modelling approaches to interpret the data, we identified that the circadian clock and temperature are key regulators of this pathway under natural conditions. We identified potential time-delay steps between pathway components, and diel fluctuations in the response of the pathway to temperature cues that are reminiscent of the process of circadian gating. This approach of combining studies of gene expression in the field with modelling allowed us to identify the dynamic integration and transduction of environmental cues, in plant cells, under naturally fluctuating diel cycles. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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