Stem cell therapy for cuprizone model of multiple sclerosis focusing on the effectiveness of different injection methods and cell labeling

Mohsen Marzban,Auob Rustamzadeh, Aria Asghari, Yousef Terme, Alireza Gholamnezhad Amichi, Vahid Ghanbarzehi, Aylar Shahriari Holaso, Fateme Hosseini, Mahya Shahraki, Paniz Sadafi, Erfan Hashemzahi, Minoo Honardar, Marziyeh Iravankhah, Mehdi Baloochi, Amin Yarmohammadi,Pirooz Ebrahimi

Acta Histochemica(2022)

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Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic and autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that causes inflammation in the brain and spinal cord, progressive degeneration of central nervous system tissue, damage to neuronal axons, and loss of function of central nervous system neurons. Experimental encephalomyelitis is an alternative animal model of MS that can simulate the symptoms of this disease. Cuprizone is one of the factors creating this model. Various researchers are testing the use of different cells to reduce the symptoms of cuprizone-demyelinated mice. The different injection methods explained in this article include intracerebral, intraperitoneal, intravenous, and intranasal. The intracerebral method, in contrast to the intranasal method, was widely employed by researchers. In each technique, the researchers try to inject a specific type of stem cell (SC) and monitor their efficiency. For monitoring SCs various labeling procedures are available, however, there is an upward trend in using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Two main barriers to using this method are high cost and complexity. In the current review, we try to make review cell therapy in the cuprizone model of MS.
Cell therapy,Multiple sclerosis,Cuprizone,Animal model,Cell labeling,Cell injection
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