Synthetic Resilience Exploration and Economic Defense Strategy for Microgrid-Level AC/DC Hybrid Energy System

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics(2022)

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For the ac/dc hybrid energy system, a resilience-oriented defense strategy is developed for survivability enhancement when subject to severe energy disruptions. On account of heterogeneous components, an integration index of synthetic resilience (SR) is formulated to assess the resilience capability of hybrid energy systems in the event of sudden energy changes. The derived SR is systematically illustrated in this work, which not only reveals its convexity feature but also visualizes the inherent self-healing resources during the ac/dc energy interaction. Based on the proposed resilience index and interlinking bridge of bidirectional converter, an economic defense strategy concerning uncertainties from renewable energies and loads is developed and system resilience is consequently reinforced by dispatching distributed energies according to individual marginal cost. Without the global coordination and mode transition, the system resilience is significantly strengthened and assessed by the proposed index and defense strategy, which formulates an operational paradigm for the microgrid-level energy hybridization considering load variation and renewable energy penetration. To completely demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed index and defense strategy for the hybrid energy system, the controller-hardware-in-the-loop experiment results have been provided from six aspects of steady-state operation, dc demand variation, ac demand variation, renewable energy fluctuations, dc energy source failure, and ac energy source failure.
Resilience,Microgrids,Indexes,Renewable energy sources,Hybrid power systems,Costs,Voltage control,Bidirectional interlinking converter (BIC),economic defense,energy hybridization,hybrid energy system,synthetic resilience (SR)
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