
Virtual Time III, Part 1: Unified Virtual Time Synchronization for Parallel Discrete Event Simulation

ACM transactions on modeling and computer simulation(2022)

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Algorithms for synchronization of parallel discrete event simulation have historically been divided between conservative methods that require lookahead but not rollback, and optimistic methods that require rollback but not lookahead. In this paper we present a new approach in the form of a framework called Unified Virtual Time (UVT) that unifies the two approaches, combining the advantages of both within a single synchronization theory. Whenever timely lookahead information is available, a logical process (LP) executes conservatively using an irreversible event handler. When lookahead information is not available the LP does not block, as it would in a classical conservative execution, but instead executes optimistically using a reversible event handler. The switch from conservative to optimistic synchronization and back is decided on an event-by-event basis by the simulator, transparently to the model code. UVT treats conservative synchronization algorithms as optional accelerators for an underlying optimistic synchronization algorithm, enabling the speed of conservative execution whenever it is applicable, but otherwise falling back on the generality of optimistic execution. We describe UVT in a novel way, based on fundamental invariants, monotonicity requirements, and synchronization rules. UVT permits zero-delay messages and pays careful attention to tie-handling using superposition. We prove that under fairly general conditions a UVT simulation always makes progress in virtual time. This is Part 1 of a trio of papers describing the UVT framework for PDES, mixing conservative and optimistic synchronization and integrating throttling control.
Parallel discrete event simulation,virtual time,synchronization,conservative,optimistic,throttling,invariant,monotonicity,rollback,antimessage,lookahead,Unified Virtual Time,UVT
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