Redefining microglia states: Lessons and limits of human and mouse models to study microglia states in neurodegenerative diseases

Seminars in Immunology(2022)

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Microglia are resident macrophages of the brain parenchyma and play an essential role in various aspects of brain development, plasticity, and homeostasis. With recent advances in single-cell RNA-sequencing, heterogeneous microglia transcriptional states have been identified in both animal models of neurodegenerative disorders and patients. However, the functional roles of these microglia states remain unclear; specifically, the question of whether individual states or combinations of states are protective or detrimental (or both) in the context of disease progression. To attempt to answer this, the field has largely relied on studies employing mouse models, human in vitro and chimeric models, and human post-mortem tissue, all of which have their caveats, but used in combination can enable new biological insight and validation of candidate disease pathways and mechanisms. In this review, we summarize our current understanding of disease-associated microglia states and phenotypes in neurodegenerative disorders, discuss important considerations when comparing mouse and human microglia states and functions, and identify areas of microglia biology where species differences might limit our understanding of microglia state.
Microglia,Neurodegenerative diseases,Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS),Alzheimer’s disease (AD),Parkinson’s disease (PD),Prion’s disease,Mouse models,IPSC derived models
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