
Effect of rapamycin treatment on oocyte in vitro maturation and embryonic development after parthenogenesis in yaks


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Autophagy plays an important role in mammalian oocyte maturation and early embryonic development and rapamycin is well known for inducing autophagy. Although previous studies have reported the ef-fects of rapamycin on oocytes in vitro maturation (IVM) in different species, few studies have been re-ported on the role of rapamycin in yak oocytes IVM and embryonic development. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the effect of rapamycin treatment on yak oocytes IVM and early embryonic development. Specifically, immature yak oocytes during IVM or parthenogenetic (PA) embryos were treated with different rapamycin concentrations to select an optimal dose. Then evaluated its effect on maturation rates, cleavage, and blastocyst formation rates, mitochondrial membrane potential, ROS levels. Related genes and proteins expression in matured oocytes and blastocysts were also evaluated. The results show that 10 nM rapamycin treatment during IVM significantly improved oocyte maturation rates of oocytes and blastocyst formation rates. Treatment with 10 nM rapamycin reduced ROS level but increased mitochondrial membrane potential. Correspondingly, mRNA and protein expressions of LC3, Beclin-1, and Bcl-2 up-regulated while Bax down-regulated in matured yak COCs. When parthenogenetic embryos were treated with different rapamycin concentrations, 10 nM rapamycin treatment showed higher 8-cell and blastocyst formation rates. Also, CDX2, POU5F1, SOX2, and Nanog levels in blastocysts were upregulated. In summary, our findings demonstrate that rapamycin treatment improves oocytes maturation probably by increasing mitochondrial membrane potential, reducing ROS levels, and regu-lating the apoptosis in mature yak oocytes. Rapamycin treatment also improves embryonic develop-mental competence in the yak.(c) 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Rapamycin,Yak,Oocytes,Embryo,In vitro maturation
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