Modeling Maximum Stresses in Each Layer for Layer-by-Layer Deposition of the Direct Metal Laser Sintering Process for Different Scanning Patterns

Volume 1: Additive Manufacturing; Biomanufacturing; Life Cycle Engineering; Manufacturing Equipment and Automation; Nano/Micro/Meso Manufacturing(2022)

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Abstract In this paper, maximum stresses from the Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) process are numerically calculated for each layer using a novel computational model that has been developed to capture the layer-by-layer deposition. The computational domain with all layers is modeled numerically with conduction, while using convection and radiation on the model boundaries. The phase change of the material between liquid and solid states is accounted for and the residual thermal stresses are obtained from the temperature gradient data in conjunction with Hooke’s law. The resulting maximum stress versus time behavior and maximum stress distribution patterns on each layer are complex and do not always match the scanning path. However, there is direct correspondence between the stress distribution and the scanning patterns.
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