From the Lab to the Structure: Monitoring of a German Road Bridge Using Embedded Ultrasonic Transducers and Coda Waves

European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring(2022)

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The ‘Gänstorbrücke’ bridge between the cities of Ulm and Neu-Ulm is one of the best-monitored bridges all over Germany. In addition to an already active bride monitoring system, we have equipped the bridge with 30 ultrasonic transducers to explore the monitoring possibilities at an in-service large-scale reinforced concrete structure with continuous active ultrasonic measurements. The monitoring system is based on the detection of small changes in the entire signal, especially the multiply scattered parts of the recording, the so-called coda. Applying Coda Wave Interferometry (CWI), subtle changes in the signal can be detected and related to changing velocities in the area between source and receiver. A comparison of the results from coda wave interferometry with the strain measurements of the permanent monitoring system shows a correlation between strain measurements and CWI results. We discuss the challenges of changing environmental conditions, pose for interpretation of the results, and highlight the advantages of embedded versus externally attached ultrasonic transducers in permanent bridge monitoring, especially when coda wave interferometry is applied.
Bridge monitoring, Ultrasound, Embedded sensors, Coda wave interferometry
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