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The Impact of the Blockchain Technology on the Smart Grid Customer Domain: Toward the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations

Sianaki Omid Ameri, Peiris Sabeetha

Advanced Information Networking and Applications(2022)

Cited 1|Views3
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Our world needs access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy, along with climate adaptation and protection if we are to be sustainable, equitable, and inclusive. The purpose of this survey is to determine how blockchain technology can transform the smart grid in the customer domain of the maturity model, and how it can enhance achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. We concluded from our study that the blockchain has the potential to contribute significantly to the achievement of goal number seven, Affordable and Clean Energy, and its interlinkages with goals number eleven, Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, and goal number eleven, Sustainable Cities and Communities, and goal number twelve, Responsible Consumption and Production, and finally goal thirteen, Climate Action. In this paper we provide a strong foundation upon which future research can be built and various elements can be combined for achieving the sustainable goals.
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blockchain technology,smart grid customer domain,smart grid,sustainable development goals
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