
Attachment Style and Loneliness as Determinants of Self-Gifting: An Abstract

From Micro to Macro: Dealing with Uncertainties in the Global Marketplace(2022)

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While there is extensive research on loneliness and its global burden affecting health and well-being, we have little understanding of how loneliness affects consumer purchases. Specifically, the consumer purchase of a self-gift is of interest because feeling loneliness may make one more susceptible to self-oriented shopping behavior. Drawing from attachment theory, three studies demonstrate that consumers are more likely to self-gift when feeling lonely. This effect, however, is related to attachment style with securely attached individuals self-gifting more when feeling lonely in comparison to insecurely attached individuals. This research followed a quantitative, experimental design using three studies with respective sample sizes of 161, 244, and 236 respondents. Analysis techniques included ANOVA and spot light analysis. In Study 1, we investigate if loneliness influences intentions to self-gift. In Study 2, we explore how attachment style moderates the relationship between loneliness and self-gifting. In Study 3, we examine the mediating role of negative emotions. Importantly, we show that the impact of loneliness is stronger (solely significant) for securely attached individuals because they cope with negative emotions by self-gifting. The present research, thus, contributes to our understanding of how loneliness influences consumer behavior. This research also adds to the understanding of how an individual’s attachment style influences behavior and reactions to the environment. The first study confirms that loneliness leads to self-gifting behavior while the second study highlights that only for secure attachment styles does the experience of loneliness drive self-gifting behavior. The final study examines the process and uncovers that loneliness leads to self-gifting because of the negative emotions. Specifically, the findings display a difference in coping styles when dealing with the negative emotions associated with loneliness whereby the coping of secure styles translates into shopping behavior. With the prevalence of loneliness in today’s society, our findings provide insight into the purchase decisions of lonely consumers while complementing prior work that notes that materialism is an outlet for lonely consumers.
Attachment style, Loneliness, Self-gifting, Negative emotions
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