
Dielectric Decoupler for Compact MIMO Antenna Systems

IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation(2022)

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A novel decoupling method based on the superposition principle is proposed for compact multi-input–multi-output (MIMO) antenna systems in this work. A dielectric block is introduced to encompass all radiators in a compact MIMO system and works as a decoupler when the block is appropriately designed. Owing to the presence of dielectric–air boundary (DAB) introduced by the dielectric block, scattered paths show up for electromagnetic (EM) waves inside the block. For any two encompassed primary radiators, mutual couplings via the direct and scattered paths are superposed one on another. Because the scatted wave paths can be controlled by changing the shape and dimension of the DAB, mutual coupling between two encompassed primary radiators can be minimized with a properly designed DAB. To illustrate this decoupling principle, the electric field distribution of a basic Hertzian dipole wrapped in a dielectric decoupler is first studied. Results show that this method can generate several field valleys inside the dielectric block and can lead to good isolation when a second radiator is placed at a valley. A dual-port antenna wrapped in a dielectric decoupler is then proposed for demonstration. By optimizing the DAB shape, this antenna can realize a measured 20 dB isolation bandwidth of 12.6%, covering the whole 3.3–3.7 GHz 5G frequency range 1 (FR1) band. Furthermore, a quad-port decoupled antenna is studied to show the generality of the proposed decoupling method. Using a hollow rectangular dielectric block, isolations among four ports of more than 21.5 dB can be obtained in the 3.3–3.7 GHz band with a 20-dB isolation bandwidth of 18%. The envelope correlation coefficients (ECCs) and calculated ergodic channel capacity (CC) results show that the proposed compact dual-port and quad-port antennas are competitive for MIMO applications.
Decoupled antenna,dielectric-air boundary (DAB),envelope correlation coefficient (ECC),ergodic channel capacity (CC),multi-input-multi-output (MIMO),multi-port antenna
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