Bio-Inspired Flapping Wing Antagonist Actuation with SMA Wires

Domenico Bevilacqua, Giovanni Soleti,David Naso,Gianluca Rizzello,Paul Motzki

ACTUATOR 2022; International Conference and Exhibition on New Actuator Systems and Applications(2022)

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Nature is one of the most advanced and fascinating sources of inspiration for engineers. Bionics is a branch of robotics that has the potential to offer excellent solutions and multiple possibilities in overcoming the limits of current technologies. It is therefore important to push research towards increasingly bio-inspired systems. The aim of this paper is the development of a micro air vehicle (MAV) that exceeds current drones in manoeuvrability and possible applications, thanks to its unconventional actuation principle based on shape memory allow (SMA) wires. The mechanical design takes inspiration from bats, which are well known for their exceptional aerial agility. The way suggested for reaching this goal relies on a soft robotic structure, which involves the combined use of compliant joints and actuators capable of bending.
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