Interactive Wearable Flex Sensors for Cerebral Palsy (CP) Patient

Rafidah Rosman,Nurain Izzati Shuhaimi, Wan Muhammad Izzat Wan Othman,Hanim Hussin

2019 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob)(2019)

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This paper is concerning on developing an interactive wearable flex sensor or data glove to encourage patient during rehabilitation. The data glove main focus is to accurately record and monitor all the data required to produce a comprehensive analysis of the patient's bending fingers progress. This project implements the use of games to introduce excitement in rehabilitation process and Arduino Leonardo for its microcontroller. The Arduino Leonardo comes with a built-in library for keyboard strokes, which eliminates the use of external programs. For testing process, a simulation setup of a patient using the glove was carried out. A Data Acquisition excel was built up to record all relevant data so that it can be further studied. Among the parameters that could be measured are the resistance, voltage produced when forced is applied and the bending angle of each finger. For each of the mentioned parameters, the values were monitored and the overall bending finger's performance of a patient was analysed on a daily or weekly basis.
wearable flex sensor,cerebral palsy (CP)
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