Improved SAR Range Doppler Algorithm Based on The Stretch Processing Architecture

Mohamed Mamdouh Ashry,Ahmed S. Mashaly,Bassem Ibrahim Sheta

2022 International Telecommunications Conference (ITC-Egypt)(2022)

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Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging systems use pulse focusing techniques for achieving fine range resolution and large range detection, de-chirp (stretch) processing and correlation pulse focusing techniques are the most popular algorithms used in the radar signal processing stage. The architecture of the stretch processing technique makes it commonly used in frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar systems due to its simple architecture, low sampling rate, and inexpensive hardware. In this paper, using the stretch Range Focusing Approach instead of the matched filter technique in the processing stage of the SAR Range-Doppler Algorithm (RDA) can generate images of high quality. Hence, we evaluate the performance assessment of the two techniques according to some indices such as Peak Side Lobe Ratio (PSLR), Integrated Side Lobe Ratio (ISLR), and the Impulse Response Width (IRW). After that, validating the proposed algorithm and evaluating its performance based on the pre-mentioned evaluation indices.
Synthetic aperture radar,Stretch Processing,correlation technique,Peak Side Lobe Ratio
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