A Preliminary Analysis of GPL-Related License Violations in Docker Images

2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER)(2022)

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Background: In recent years, the use of container virtualization technology has been rapidly spreading to speed up software release and operation. In general, a containerized application image (e.g., Docker image) consists of multiple reused OSS packages. To reuse OSS, it is necessary to comply with the OSS licenses. Although there have been many studies on OSS license detection and license compatibility among OSS packages, but to the best of our knowledge, there is no study tackled with incompatible license problems among OSS packages in a container image. Aims: In this paper, we conduct a preliminary analysis to clarify the extent to which Docker images contain OSS license incompatibility problems. Method: We analyze 776 Docker images published on GitHub to determine whether license incompatibilities among OSS packages exist. Results: The analysis showed that a total of 2,167 software packages were used in the 776 Docker images. The majority of the software packages (71.3%) are compatible with the GPL family, but a non-negligible number of software packages (28.7%) are not compatible. The analysis also showed that 457 (58.9%) of the 776 images had GPL-related incompatibility problems. Conclusions: Unlike traditional software development, in which software packages to be reused are explicitly combined, Dockerfile creators who build and distribute Docker images might be less aware of the risks related to compatibility between OSS licenses. Our results are useful as information to improve the awareness of Dockerfile creators, and also indicates the necessity of future studies to detect and prevent the inclusion of license-incompatible OSS packages to container images.
OSS license incompatibility,Docker container images
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