Effective Hamiltonian and spin dynamics in fast MAS TRAPDOR-HMQC experiments involving spin-3/2 quadrupolar nuclei

Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(2022)

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We present a theoretical and numerical description of the spin dynamics associated with TRAPDOR-HMQC (T-HMQC) experiment for a 1H (I) – 35Cl (S) spin system under fast magic angle spinning (MAS). Towards this an exact effective Hamiltonian describing the system is numerically evaluated with matrix logarithm approach. The different magnitudes of the heteronuclear and pure S terms in the effective Hamiltonian allow us to suggest a truncation approximation, which is shown to be in excellent agreement with the exact time evolution. Limitations of this approximation, especially at the rotary resonance condition, are discussed. The truncated effective Hamiltonian is further employed to monitor the buildup of various coherences during TRAPDOR irradiation. We observe and explain a functional resemblance between the magnitude of different terms in the truncated effective Hamiltonian and the amplitudes of various coherences during TRAPDOR irradiation, as function of crystallite orientation. Subsequently, the dependence of the sign (phase) of the T-HMQC signal on the coherence type generated is investigated numerically and analytically. We examine the continuous creation and evolution of various coherences at arbitrary times, i.e., at and between avoided level crossings. Behavior between consecutive crossings is described analytically and reveals ‘quadrature’ evolution of pairs of coherences and coherence interconversions. The adiabatic, sudden, and intermediate regimes for T-HMQC experiments are discussed within the approach established by A. J. Vega. Equations as well as numerical simulations suggest the existence of a driving coherence which builds up between consecutive crossings and then gets distributed at crossings among other coherences. In the intermediate regime, redistribution of the driving coherence to other coherences is almost uniform such that coherences involving S-spin double-quantum terms may be efficiently produced.
Matrix logarithm,Truncated effective Hamiltonian,Sign of T-HMQC signal,Avoided level crossing,Coherence interconversions
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