
Oral condition of patients submitted to bariatric surgery

Laíza Brito Teixeira, Lara Guimarães Sardenberg Almeida,Michelle Pompermayer Conceição, Cristina Fior d’Alba Laghi, José Tarcísio Zovico

Brazilian Journal of Periodontology(2021)

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INTRODUCTION: Obesity is a chronic disease that impairs health or exacerbates others comorbidities. Among the treatment options, bariatric surgery has shown effective and lasting results. However, patients may experience adverse effects, like gastric reflux, nausea, vomiting, dehydration, vitamin and mineral deficit, and thereby potentiate negative effects of oral manifestation, including dental erosion, caries, periodontal disease, alterations of saliva and oral mucosa. OBJECTIVES: Evaluate oral condition of Unified Health System (SUS) patients at the bariatric surgery service of Hospital Evangélico de Vila Velha (Brazil), analyzing DMFT index, PSR (Periodontal Screening and Recording), salivary pH and the self-perception of oral health. METHODS: An prospective, observational descriptive case series study, conducted in the dental clinic located at Universidade Vila Velha (Brazil), evaluated 24 patients subjected to bariatric surgery. Patients were included in the study after explanation, reading and signing of the Informed Consent Form. The data were collected by means of questionnaires on oral health perception, clinical examination and salivary collection. RESULTS: All evaluated patients had periodontal disease, besides a considerable amount of decayed teeth (7.86%), despite the alkaline pH registered in 83.3% of the sample. Furthermore, 83.3% of the patients stated they did not receive oral hygiene orientation before the gastroplasty. CONCLUSION: The oral health of the participants was unsatisfactory due to the high rates of periodontitis and decayed teeth, even with alkaline salivary pH. Self-perception of oral health does not correspond to the results obtained in the clinical examination. Thus, the inclusion of dentistry in the multidisciplinary team can contribute to health and care of bariatric surgery patients.
oral condition,surgery,patients
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