
Power System Transient Stability Improvement with FACTS Controllers Using SSSC-based Controller

Sustainable energy technologies and assessments(2022)

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Early power systems were rudimentary and local in nature. Power consumption has risen quickly in recent years, resulting in more complicated systems. However, expansion of transmission and generating is limited due to limited resource availability and tight environmental regulations. As a result, today's power systems are increasingly loaded and running under stress, putting them close to their transient stability limits. The study discussed in this paper focuses on employing contemporary PSS to improve power system reliability. The work presented in this thesis mainly focuses on power system stability improvement using modern PSS. In modern power systems trend of using wide area damping controllers and wide area signals are increasing. Also Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) based controllers are most suitable for stability enhancement and power control. This method proposed tie line power as a broad area control signal for the Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) based controller based on the geometric measure of joint index value. Kundur's two-area, four-machine system is controlled by this controller. For this system, the effectiveness of the selected signal is applied to an SSSC-based controller. The results reveal that the picked signal performs better than the non-selected signal (rotor speed deviation).
Power grid system,Fuzzy system,Flexible AC transmission systems,Absolute value of error,Power consumption,Joint controllability,Observability index
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