
Cinsiyet Hoşnutsuzluğu Belirtileri Gösteren Çocuklarda Demografik Ve Klinik Özellikler: Bir Türkiye Örneklemi

Hatice GÜNEŞ, M. Levent KAYAALP

Türkiye çocuk hastalıkları dergisi(2022)

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Objective: In this study, we aim to describe the demographic and clinical characteristics and psychological functioning of children with gender dysphoria (GD) symptoms aged between 3-12 years. Material and Methods: The study group included 20 children (17 males, 3 females; mean age 6.63±2.43 years) with GD symptoms. A sociodemographic data form was used to collect data with regards to demographic and clinical characteristics, and pre- peri-and postnatal features. The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) is used to assess behavioral and emotional problems in the child. Results: The boy/girl ratio in the study group was 5.66. The mean age at onset of gender-nonconforming behaviors was 2.85±1.17 years and the mean age of admission to our clinic was 5.82±2.27 years. 20% of the mothers reported a preference for an opposite-sex child prior to conception; 20 % of the mothers reported prenatal stress, 20% of the mothers had prenatal and 25% had postnatal depressive symptoms. There was a risk of miscarriage in 10% of children and 25% were born prematurely. 55% of our study sample exceeded the clinical threshold for internalizing problems and 40% exceeded the clinical threshold for externalizing problems in CBCL ratings. Conclusion: There were more prepubertal boys than girls referred for GD symptoms and the age at referral was younger compared to western countries. In addition, findings of this study indicate that children with GD have poorer psychological functioning possibly due to social intolerance for cross-gender behaviors and/or interests alongside the GD per se.
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