
Application of Coarse-Graining for Large Scale Simulation of Fluid and Particle Motion in Spiral Jet Mill by CFD-DEM

Powder technology(2022)

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Spiral jet milling is commonly used for size reduction of high value particulate solids, such as pharmaceutical ingredients, for which low contamination is critical. The mill utilises high-pressure gas nozzles to form an in-ternal vortex and induce particle breakage through inter-particle collisions. Due to the centrifugal flow field, the particles can move radially inwards towards the mill centre and escape the mill only when their size is suffi-ciently reduced for the fluid drag to exceed the centrifugal force. Large particles move radially towards the outer wall and form a dense particle bed. The bed itself circulates in the milling chamber due to the induced effect of the inclined gas jets. In this study, we analyse the implementation of a coarse-graining (CG) approach on a coupled Computational Fluid Dynamic-Discrete Element Method simulation. Along with the actual particle size, four CG scale cases are compared (CG-2, CG-4, CG-8 and CG-10). To analyse the success of the approach in predicting the dynamics of fluid and particle motion, the characteristic features of the particle bed and fluid field, i.e. the fluid and particle velocity distributions and dissipated energy through particle collisions are analysed. There is good agreement between the original particle size and the two smallest scaled cases (CG-2, CG-4) for the above characteristics. However, modelling the lean phase is less successful, as there are fewer particles that reside there at any given time. There is also good agreement between these three cases in terms of dissipated energy through particle collisions. An average value for dissipated energy of 0.6 mJ is recorded for each of the three lowest cases. This proves beneficial for simulation time required, as the particle number is reduced 2-fold and 4-fold, respectively, and interparticle collision rate is reduced 60% each time.
Coarse grain,Simulation,DEM,Spiral jet mill
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