
High-velocity Impact Behaviour of Curved GFRP Composites for Rail Vehicles: Experimental and Numerical Study

Chengxing Yang,Ying Gao,Weinian Guo, Yuhui Yang,Ping Xu, Mohammed S. Alqahtani

Polymer testing(2022)

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This study aims to explore the projectile impact behaviour of curved glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP) composites for rail vehicles through experimental and numerical methods. Quasi-static material tests were firstly carried out to obtain the tensile, compression, shear and bending properties. Then, high-velocity impact tests under different velocities were conducted for curved GFRP plates, which were cut from hood covers of a rail vehicle. The residual velocity of the projectile, the failure modes and the energy absorption of the composite targets were analysed. The classical Lambert-Jonas equation was used to predict the critical perforation velocity, which was also verified by the following finite element (FE) simulation in LS-DYNA. Based on the validated FE model, the effects of the impact velocity (65.14-152.22 m/s), target thickness (2 mm-8 mm) and impactor shape (flat, blunt, hemisphere and sphere) on the high-velocity impact performance of the target were studied. The results showed that the predicted critical perforation velocity of the curved GFRP plate with thickness of 6 mm was about 101.98 m/s in this study, and only local damages were observed near the trajectory. Increasing the thickness of the GFRP plate can improve its anti-penetration capability, however, the 4-mm plate possesses the highest specific energy absorption among the thickness of 2 mm-8 mm. Compared to the sharp impactors, the flat impactor resulted in the highest peak force of 260.39 kN and the maximum specific energy absorption of 502.65 J in the curved GFRP plates with thickness of 6 mm, due to the shear failure mechanism and the for-mation of embolism.
GFRP composites,Material property,High-velocity impact,Failure mode,Energy absorption
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