
Clean Quartz Matters for Cosmogenic Nuclide Analyses: an Exploration of the Importance of Sample Purity Using the CRONUS-N Reference Material

Quaternary geochronology(2022)

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Reference materials are key for assessing inter-laboratory variability and measurement quality, and for placing analytical uncertainty bounds on sample analyses. Here, we investigate four years of data resulting from repeated processing of the CRONUS-N reference material for cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al analyses. At University of Vermont, we prepared a CRONUS-N aliquot with most of our sample batches from 2013 to 2017; these reference material samples were then distributed to four different accelerator mass spectrometry facilities, yielding 7310Be analyses and 58 26Al analyses. We determine CRONUS-N 10Be concentrations of (2.26 +/- 0.14) x 105 atoms g-1 (n = 73, mean, 1 SD) and 26Al concentrations of (1.00 +/- 0.08) x 106 atoms g-1 (n = 58, mean, 1 SD). We find a reproducibility of 6.3% for 10Be and 7.7% for 26Al (relative standard deviations). We also document highly variable 27Al and Mg concentrations and a 10Be dispersion twice as large as the mean AMS analytic uncertainty. Analyses of the CRONUS-N material with and without density separation demonstrate that non-quartz minerals are present in the material and have a large impact on measured concentrations of 27Al, 10Be, and impurities; these non-quartz minerals represent only a very small portion of the total mass (0.6-0.8%) but have a dis-proportionally large effect on the resulting data. Our results highlight the importance of completely removing all non-quartz mineral phases from samples prior to Be/Al extraction for the determination of in situ cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al concentrations.
Geochronology,Cosmogenic nuclides,Accelerator mass spectrometry,Quality control
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