Hands-on kinetic measurements and simulation for chemical process engineering students

Education for Chemical Engineers(2022)

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Hands-on experience in the laboratory is essential in chemical engineering education to enhance the understanding of abstract theories and their effect on chemical processes. In this work, we describe a laboratory class, which combines some of the main engineering concepts into a set of hands-on experiments and simulations. Students are introduced to an iodine clock reaction performed in multiple different reactor types and are instructed to determine the reaction kinetics. Subsequent analysis of the experimental data in Python teaches basic programming skills and the concepts of numeric integration and optimization. Finally, a digital twin of one of the reactors is developed in COMSOL Multiphysics to give the students an application-focused introduction to more-dimensional multiphysics modeling. The students thereby get practical insights into the different methods and stages of reactor and reaction engineering. Based on the students’ assignments, we consistently see a deeper understanding of reaction kinetics and reactor engineering than in the accompanying traditional lecture.
Clock reaction,Laboratory class,Kinetic modeling,Computational fluid dynamics,Academic teaching,Hands-on learning
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