Tricuspid regurgitation and left ventricular eccentricity as a measure of heart failure in the newborn patient with a vein of Galen malformation: illustrative case

Journal of Neurosurgery: Case Lessons(2022)

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BACKGROUND Successful management of a vein of Galen malformation (VoGM) in the newborn patient requires a highly coordinated team approach involving neonatologists, pediatric cardiologists, pediatric neurologists, neurosurgeons, and interventionalists. Indication and timing of catheter intervention are topics of ongoing debate. OBSERVATIONS The authors highlighted two key echocardiographic markers believed to be practical indicators regarding the need for urgent catheter embolization in neonates with a VoGM. The first and preferred parameter was the tricuspid valve regurgitation (TR) gradient, an estimate of pulmonary artery hypertension. If the TR gradient exceeds systolic blood pressure (suprasystemic pulmonary hypertension [PH], i.e., >60 mm Hg), urgent intervention should be considered in eligible newborns. The second parameter was the left ventricular end-systolic eccentricity index (EI), a newly emerging echocardiographic marker and indirect correlate of PH. As an alternative to the TR gradient, an increased eccentricity index (>1.6) suggests severe right heart compromise, requiring emergency catheter embolization of the malformation. Postoperatively, the progressive reduction of both the TR gradient and the EI correlated with recovery. LESSONS In eligible newborns, urgent embolization of a VoGM is recommended in the presence of suprasystemic TR gradients and/or increased EI >1.6.
TR gradient,eccentricity index,embolization,newborn,vein of Galen malformation
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