Current Research on Bottom-line Mentality and Future Directions

Cheng-Huan Liu, Nazifa Zaman,Rebecca Lee Greenbaum,Mayowa Babalola,Mobina Farasat, Matt Quade

Proceedings - Academy of Management(2022)

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Since the construct of bottom-line mentality was introduced by Greenbaum et al. in 2012, a considerable body of research has developed, with prior research demonstrating both negative (e.g., unethical behavior, Babalola et. al., 2020; relationship issues with coworkers, Greenbaum et. al., 2012) and positive outcomes of bottom-line mentality (e.g., enhanced performance, Babalola et. al., 2020; thriving at work, Babalola et. al., 2020), but much more research is needed. This symposium presents current research that aims to advance a nuanced understanding of bottom-line mentality and to provide insights for future research. Given research support on the mixed utility of bottom-line mentalities, and the fact that this mentality may be relatively common in some organizational settings (Pfeffer, 2016), this set of papers draw from diverse theoretical perspectives to identify and understand the factors that may contribute to bottom-line mentality and its outcomes. These papers provide implications for organizations to leverage conditions that trigger the benefits and reduce the drawbacks of EBLMs in the workplace. The final systemic review paper discusses where bottom-line mentality literature stands and where it can go from here. A BLM Perspective on the Relationship Between Family Financial Pressure and Financial Goal Progress Presenter: Nazifa Zaman; Rutgers U., School of Management and Labor Relations Presenter: Rebecca Lee Greenbaum; Rutgers U., New Brunswick Presenter: Cheng-Huan Liu; Rutgers U., School of Management and Labor Relations The Bittersweet Nature of Family Caregiving on Work and The Influence of SBLM Presenter: Dawn S Carlson; Baylor U. Presenter: Min Wan; Texas State U. Presenter: Matt Quade; Baylor U. Presenter: K. Michele Kacmar; U. of South Alabama A Self-Enhancing and Reparatory Response Model of Supervisor Bottom-Line Mentality Presenter: Mayowa Babalola; Graduate School of Business, Nazarbayev U. Presenter: Moazzam Ali; COMSATS U., Islamabad, Lahore Campus Presenter: Wayne Hochwarter; Florida State U. Presenter: Muhammad Usman; NUST Business School, National U. of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad SBLM, Self-Regulation Impairment and UPOB: Investigating the Effect of Perceived Employability Presenter: Komal Kamran; National U. of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Pakistan Presenter: Akbar Azam; National U. of Computer and Emerging Sciences Presenter: Mobina Farasat; National U. of Computer and Emerging Sciences The Construct of Bottom-Line Mentality: Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going Presenter: Rebecca Lee Greenbaum; Rutgers U., New Brunswick Presenter: Mary Elizabeth Mawritz; Drexel U. Presenter: Nazifa Zaman; Rutgers U., School of Management and Labor Relations
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