
Employee Mental Health: the Impact on Working Lives

Proceedings - Academy of Management(2022)

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Considering ongoing social unrest and contextual demands, employee mental health has been tried over the past 24 months, and reports of depression, anxiety, stress and burnout are consistently rising. Although the implications of such mental health problems on workplace performance and attitudes have been broadly identified, a closer look at how mental health affects specific workplace behaviors and employee experiences remains underdeveloped. The purpose of this symposium is to identify and explain novel and diverse workplace outcomes predicted by employees’ mental health. Research integrated in this symposium demonstrates that employees’ mental health problems increase workplace injuries (Presentation 1), increase silence behaviors (Presentation 2), decrease leader role occupancy (Presentation 3) and increase self and others’ disengagement, job dissatisfaction, and turnover intentions (Presentation 4). Given these outcomes, this symposium concludes with an intervention study that demonstrates effective means by which organizations can support employees’ well-being and reduce burnout (Presentation 5). Mental Illness Symptoms and Subsequent Work Injuries: The Role of Cognitive Functioning Presenter: Steve Granger; Concordia U., Montreal Presenter: Nick Turner; U. of Calgary Too Depressed and Anxious to Speak Up: Examining Weekly Mental Health Symptoms and Workplace Silence Presenter: Kyle Brykman; Odette School of Business, U. of Windsor Presenter: Anika Cloutier; Rowe School of Business, Dalhousie U. Presenter: Erica Carleton; U. of Regina Presenter: Daniel S. Samosh; Queen's U. Employee Mental Health and Leader Role Occupancy Presenter: Anika Cloutier; Rowe School of Business, Dalhousie U. Presenter: Alyson Byrne; Memorial U. of Newfoundland Presenter: Taylor Hart; Dalhousie U. Effects of Workplace Incivility on Leaders and their Followers: The Mediating Role of Leader Burnout Presenter: Amanda McEvoy; - Presenter: Kathryne Dupre; Carleton U. Efficacy of Leadership Interventions to Mitigate Burnout During COVID-19 Presenter: Debra Gilin; Saint Mary's U. Presenter: Dayna Lee-Baggley; Dalhousie U. Presenter: Mark Flemming; Saint Mary's U. Presenter: Lori Francis; St. Mary's U.
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