
“Problems” Are the Problem: Multiple Perspectives on Problem Formation and Framing

Academy of Management Proceedings(2022)

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Problem-solving—which includes problem framing, problem formulation, and solution generation—is perhaps one of the most important activities for managers, entrepreneurs, and innovators. Still, existing research on problem-solving largely focuses on solution generation and overlooks the roles of problem framing and formulation, even though problem frames and formulations fundamentally determine the course of problem-solving. This symposium tries to illustrate and specify the roles of problem frames and formulations in problem- solving. The five papers in the symposium proposal build models on how problem frames and formulations influence solution generation and outcomes such as innovation in online communities, effective strategies, and entrepreneurial success. The papers also rely on a wide range of methods, from inductive research, simulations to experiments that provide valuable guidance for future empirical research on problem framing and formulation. Translating, decontextualizing and recontextualizing problems for cross boundary innovation Presenter: Hila Lifshitz-Assaf; New York U. “The subtle art of asking”: What shapes effective Help-Seeking in Online Communities? Presenter: Vaibhav Krishna; Scientist, ETH ZURICH Problem framing in strategic decision making Presenter: Arnaldo Camuffo; Bocconi U. The Way You See the Problem, Is the Problem: Experimental Evidence from Hackathons Presenter: Chiara Spina; INSEAD How business leaders define and solve problems with multiple goals Presenter: Daniella Laureiro Martinez; ETH Zürich Presenter: Ann Xavier; Scientist, ETH ZURICH Presenter: Zorica Zagorac-Uremovic; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, ETH Presenter: Axel Zeijen; ETH Zürich
problems” formation,multiple perspectives
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