Using Computer Data Analysis Technology to Analyze the Credit Decision-Making Problem of Small and Micro Enterprises with Grey Correlation

Zhihui Zhang, Shuanglin Shu, Yanang Li, Guanchen Liu, Luming Yin

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Signal and Information Processing, Networking and Computers(2022)

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Emerging technologies, such as cloud computing, big data, 5G and blockchain, are emerging, marking the rise of global industrial transformation Actively making use of the latest scientific and technological achievements, seizing the historical opportunity, and promoting the national economic development and financial infrastructure construction are related to the realization of China’s “two centenary” goals and the Chinese dream. Blockchain is known as a “subversive” technology in the new technological revolution, and McKinsey describes it as “the core technology that triggers the fifth round of technological revolution after steam engine, power and Internet technology”. The United States, Australia, Estonia, Switzerland, Singapore and other countries have promoted management innovation based on blockchain technology in many fields, such as identity authentication, government management, taxation, digital currency, payment, land transaction, financial supervision and so on. From the perspective of the inherent technical advantages of blockchain technology, such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism and encryption algorithm. It has incomparable internal advantages in breaking the information island of enterprises, promoting information circulation and sharing, improving data security, etc. Therefore, studying the application of blockchain technology in the credit industry, especially in the field of enterprise credit, has positive practical significance for strengthening the construction of China’s financial infrastructure and social credit system.
computer data analysis technology,micro enterprises,credit,correlation,decision-making
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