Analysis on the COVID-19 Impact on the Deaths Tendency in Italy and Europe

Journal of Human, Earth, and Future(2021)

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Due to the arrival of COVID-19 in Italy and Europe, there has been a significant increase in deaths recorder in the year 2020, this increase is not justified by the number of deaths recorded for COVID-19. The hypothesis in that the deaths recorded for COVID-19 are underestimated. This study aims to estimate the possible number of unrecorded COVID-19 deaths using a predictive model built based on historical deaths recorded from 2015 to 2019. The estimate was calculated by comparing the number of deaths expected, according to the prediction for the year 2020 under normal conditions, with the deaths recorded during the pandemic in the same period which runs from March to September 2020. Through the comparison it was possible to obtain an estimate of the number of excess deaths which represent how much the arrival of the Coronavirus had affected the increase in death recorded. From the excess deaths, the number of COVID-19 deaths advertised and documented by official national sources was subtracted to obtain an estimate of the possible number of unrecorded COVID-19 deaths. Doi: 10.28991/HEF-2021-02-01-01 Full Text: PDF
data analysis,time series analysis,predicted models,sarima models,covid-19 deaths unrecorded.
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