Statistical Determination of Atomic-Scale Characteristics of Au Nanocrystals Based on Correlative Multiscale Transmission Electron Microscopy

Microscopy and Microanalysis(2023)

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Atomic-scale characteristics of individual nanocrystals (NCs), such as the crystallographic orientation of their facets and the kind and density of crystal structure defects, play a tremendous role for the functionality and performance of the whole NC population. However, these features are usually quantified only for a small number of individual particles, and thus with limited statistical relevance. In the present work, we developed the multiscale approach available in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) further, and applied it to describe features of different types of Au NCs in a statistical and scale-bridging manner. This approach combines high-resolution TEM, which is capable of describing the characteristics of NCs on atomic scale, with a semi-automatic analysis of low-magnification high-angle annular dark-field scanning TEM images, which reveals the nanoscopic morphological attributes of NCs with good statistics. The results of these complementary techniques are combined and correlated. The potential of this multiscale approach is illustrated on two examples. In the first one, the habitus of Au NCs was classified and assigned to multiply twinned nanoparticles and nanoplates. These classes were quantified and related to different stacking fault densities. The second example demonstrates the statistical determination of crystallographic orientations and configurations of facets in Au nanorods.
Au nanocrystals, Au nanorods, correlative multiscale approach, semi-automatic segmentation, statistical characterization, transmission electron microscopy
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