
Percepción De La Necesidad De Asesoramiento Dietético Y Modificaciones Alimentarias En Pacientes Con Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal

Gastroenterología y hepatología(2023)

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In inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), diet can be perceived as a trigger for relapses or clinical worsening, dietary modifications are frequent and not derived from professional advice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the perception of the need for dietary advice in patients with IBD, to know the dietary modifications adopted and, it's effect on IBD.An anonymous structured questionnaire with a visual analog scale (0-10) was distributed to consecutive outpatients from our IBD unit.A total of 124 complete the questionnaire (54% ulcerative colitis, 46% Crohn's disease). Mean age was 47±12 years. Dietary advice provided in the clinic was assessed with a median score of 7 (IIC, 4.50-9.00). 40% sought external dietary advice, often during the first year after diagnosis (70%). The most frequent dietary recommendations from an external professional were: dairy free diet (29%), low fat (27%), gluten free (23%), and low fiber (21%). Dietary advice from external source was assessed with a median score of 7.50 (IIC, 5.50-9.50), improving digestive symptoms in 73% of cases. Regarding dietary modifications, 61% excluded some foods (57% permanently) and 11% fasted on their own decision.IBD patient show a clear need for dietary advice, especially at the time of IBD diagnosis. Early specific and in-depth dietary information would increase patient satisfaction and could prevent the adoption of unjustified exclusion diets.
Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal,Enfermedad de Crohn,Colitis ulcerosa,Hábitos alimentarios,Asesoramiento dietético
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