
Imaging near-surface S-wave velocity and attenuation models by full-waveform inversion with distributed acoustic sensing-recorded surface waves


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Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) technology is, increas-ingly, the seismic acquisition mode of choice for its high spatial sampling rate, low cost, and nonintrusive deployability. It is being widely evaluated as an enabler of seismic monitoring for CO2 sequestration in building subsurface time-lapse images and in characterizing near-surface environments. To advance this evaluation, field seismic surveys with optical fibers have been conducted at the Containment and Monitoring Institute's Field Research Station (CaMI.FRS) in Newell County, Alberta, Canada. In comparison to the standard geophones, optical fibers deployed in surface trenches at CaMI.FRS have recorded high -quality surface waves, rich in low frequencies and exhibiting limited spatial aliasing. These benefits have motivated us to ap-ply the full-waveform inversion (FWI) approach to image the S -wave velocity (VS) and attenuation (quality factor QS) models at shallow site using the surface waves recorded by optical fibers. Compared to the conventional surface-wave dispersion approach, FWI can intrinsically incorporate fundamental and high-order modes and produce VS model with high spatial res-olution that resolves horizontal variations. The low-frequency components below 10 Hz measured in the DAS recordings are helpful to overcome the cycle-skipping problem of FWI. Following the adjoint-state method, QS sensitivity kernel can be calculated efficiently with memory strain variables. The QS model is iteratively estimated with a new misfit function meas-uring root-mean-square amplitude differences, which helps to reduce the trade-off artifacts. The synthetic data obtained from the inverted models are consistent with the observed data in amplitude and phase. The inversion results provide valuable information to characterize the near-surface environments at CaMI.FRS and are expected to support seismic imaging in deeper CO2 injection zones.
near-surface waves,attenuation models,s-wave,full-waveform,sensing-recorded
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