
Family History of Depression and Neural Reward Sensitivity: Findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study

Biological psychiatry Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging(2023)

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BACKGROUND:Previous studies have found that offspring of depressed parents exhibit reduced striatal reward response to anticipating and receiving rewards, suggesting that this may constitute a neurobiological risk marker for depression. The present study aimed to assess whether maternal and paternal depression history have independent effects on offspring reward processing and whether greater family history density of depression is associated with increased blunting of striatal reward responses.METHODS:Data from the baseline visit of the ABCD (Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development) Study were used. After exclusion criteria, 7233 9- and 10-year-old children (49% female) were included in analyses. Neural responses to reward anticipation and receipt in the monetary incentive delay task were examined in 6 striatal regions of interest. Using mixed-effects models, we evaluated the effect of maternal or paternal depression history on striatal reward response. We also evaluated the effect of family history density on reward response.RESULTS:Across all 6 striatal regions of interest, neither maternal nor paternal depression significantly predicted blunted response to reward anticipation or feedback. Contrary to hypotheses, paternal depression history was associated with increased response in the left caudate during anticipation, and maternal depression history was associated with increased response in the left putamen during feedback. Family history density was not associated with striatal reward response.CONCLUSIONS:Our findings suggest that family history of depression is not strongly associated with blunted striatal reward response in 9- and 10-year-old children. Factors contributing to heterogeneity across studies need to be examined in future research to reconcile these results with past findings.
Depression,Development,Family history,fMRI,Reward,Risk marker
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