
DIAD: A New Instrument for Dual Imaging and Diffraction at Diamond Light Source (conference Presentation)

Developments in X-Ray Tomography XIV(2022)

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The DIAD beamline at Diamond Light Source is a new dual-beam instrument for quasi-simultaneous full-field imaging and powder diffraction. DIAD enables its users to visualise internal structures (in 2- and 3D) as well as identify and measure compositional and strain changes. The aim is to enable in-situ and in-operando experiments that require spatially correlated results from both X-ray Computed Tomography and X-ray Powder Diffraction. DIAD has two independent beams in the medium energy range (8-38keV) that are generated from a single source 10-pole wiggler. Both beams are combined at one sample position. Here, radiography and/or tomography can be performed using either a monochromatic or pink beam, with a 1.4 mm x 1.2mm field of view and a pixel size of 0.5 µm. Micro-diffraction is possible with a variable beam size between 13µm x 5 µm up to 50 µm x 50µm. The talk will start with a description of the multi-modal capabilities of DIAD and the unique data collection pipeline that has been developed to reduce post-processing workloads. This will be followed by recent results from the fields of material science and bioengineering. Finally, the talk will conclude by giving the audience tips on how to gain access to DIAD.
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