De-Escalating the Management of In Situ and Invasive Breast Cancer


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Simple Summary De-escalation of breast cancer treatment reduces morbidity and toxicity for patients. De-escalation is safe if cancer outcomes, such as recurrence and survival, remain unaffected compared to more radical regimens. This review provides an overview on treatment de-escalation for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), local treatment of breast cancer, and surgery after neoadjuvant systemic therapy. Improvements in understanding the natural history and biology of breast cancer, imaging modalities, and adjuvant treatments have facilitated de-escalation of treatment over time. It is necessary to identify appropriate areas of de-escalation in breast cancer treatment to minimize morbidity and maximize patients' quality of life. Less radical treatment modalities, or even no treatment, have been reconsidered if they offer the same oncologic outcomes as standard therapies. Identifying which patients benefit from de-escalation requires particular care, as standard therapies will continue to offer adequate cancer outcomes. We provide an overview of the literature on the de-escalation of treatment of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), local treatment of breast cancer, and surgery after neoadjuvant systemic therapy. De-escalation of breast cancer treatment is a key area of investigation that will continue to remain a priority. Improvements in understanding the natural history and biology of breast cancer, imaging modalities, and adjuvant treatments will expand this even further. Future efforts will continue to challenge us to consider the true role of various treatment modalities.
de-escalation, ductal carcinoma in situ, breast cancer, breast surgery, neoadjuvant chemotherapy
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