
Adherence and discontinuation of sglt2-inhibitors and glpl-r agonists in patients with type 2 diabetes with and without cardiovascular disease

M. Malik, A. Falkentoft,J. Jensen,C. Andersson, S. L. Parveen,L. Koeber, M. E. M. Schou

European Heart Journal(2022)

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Abstract Background Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors and glucacon-like-peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) agonists are two novel therapies in type 2 diabetes (T2D) that are recommended in patients with manifestations of cardiovascular disease or high risk of cardiovascular disease due to their cardioprotective benefits. Despite the increasing use of these drugs, there is still limited knowledge on the adherence patterns and the risk of discontinuation, according to the presence or absence of different cardiovascular conditions. Purpose To investigate the adherence and estimate the risk of discontinuation of SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP1-R agonists in patients with T2D with and without cardiovascular disease. Methods From Danish nationwide registers, we included all individuals >40 years with T2D who redeemed the first prescription of a SGLT2 inhibitor or GLP1-R agonist, between December, 2012 and December, 2018. Patients were divided into subgroups according to the presence or absence of different cardiovascular conditions (heart failure, ischemic heart disease, peripheral artery disease, atrial fibrillation), at the time of inclusion. Adherence over the course of one year after initiation of treatment was estimated by the proportion of days covered (PDC) for each subgroup, and adherence was defined as PDC 80%. The risk of discontinuation was estimated using multivariable cause-specific Cox regression models, and was defined as a break in treatment of 90 days. The Aalen-Johansen estimator was used to account for censoring and competing risks. Patients were followed until date of emigration, death or study end (December 31, 2019). Results We included 24,061 patients with T2D who initiated treatment with a SGLT2 inhibitor, and 13,899 patients with T2D who initiated treatment with a GLP1-R agonist, for the first time between December 10, 2012 and December 31, 2018. Median age at inclusion was 62 years (IQR 54–70) and 40% were female. In the analyses, 67% of the patients treated with SGLT2 inhibitors were adherent to therapy throughout the first year, whereas the same proportion of patients, 67%, were adherent to therapy with GLP-1R agonists. Mean PDC was 77% (SD 33) and 79% (31) for patients in therapy with SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP1-R agonists, respectively. No significant difference was observed related to the presence or absence of cardiovascular disease (SGLT2 inhibitor: mean PDC 77 (33) vs. 77 (33), GLP1-R agonist: 78 (32) vs. 79 (31)). Conclusions In this nationwide cohort study, we found that patients with T2D who initiated therapy with a SGLT2 inhibitor and those who initiated therapy with a GLP1-R agonist were almost equally adherent to therapy throughout the first year. Adherence in both treatment groups did not differ according to the presence or absence of cardiovascular disease. Funding Acknowledgement Type of funding sources: None.
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