Virtual reality experience as a stress recovery solution in workplace

2017 IEEE Life Sciences Conference (LSC)(2017)

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This paper reports a study exploring the possibilities of virtual reality (VR) and head mounted display as a stress recovery solution for workplace. Commercially available low-cost head mounted display (HMD) was used for presenting three different 360° videos of nature scenes, -sounds and calm music. Six experiment sessions were arranged for each participant and within subject approach was followed i.e. half of the sessions were completed with full VR condition and half with audio only condition without the HMD. During the experiment sessions, heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV), and skin conductance (GSR) was recorded. Also, blood pressure (BP) were measured three times during the session. In addition, a post experiment questionnaire was filled out assessing the relaxation and distraction effect. GSR and HR got significantly lower during the VR experience. The effect was stronger in audio only-condition. Systolic BP decreased from the beginning of the session till the end of the VR experience but no difference between the VR conditions (full VR vs. audio only) was detected. In HRV analysis, no significant differences were found between the conditions. Questionnaire responses revealed that the participants got significantly better distracted from the work related thoughts and duties in the full VR condition. The results suggest that low-cost VR technology with relaxing content can provide a satisfactory solution for stress recovery and help in distraction from work duties.
relaxing content,blood pressure,BP measurement,low-cost VR technology,audio only-condition,VR experience,heart rate variability,VR condition,HMD,workplace,stress recovery solution,virtual reality experience
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