Resource Scaling Strategies for Open-Source FaaS Platforms compared to Commercial Cloud Offerings

2022 IEEE 15th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD)(2022)

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Open-source offerings are often investigated when comparing their features to commercial cloud offerings. However, performance benchmarking is rarely executed for open-source tools hosted on-premise nor is it possible to conduct a fair cost comparison due to a lack of resource settings equivalent to cloud scaling strategies.Therefore, we firstly list implemented resource scaling strategies for public and open-source FaaS platforms. Based on this we propose a methodology to calculate an abstract performance measure to compare two platforms with each other. Since all open-source platforms suggest a Kubernetes deployment, we use this measure for a configuration of open-source FaaS platforms based on Kubernetes limits. We tested our approach with CPU intensive functions, considering the difference between single-threaded and multi-threaded functions to avoid wasting resources. With regard to this, we also address the noisy neighbor problem for open-source FaaS platforms by conducting an instance parallelization experiment. Our approach to limit resources leads to consistent results while avoiding an overbooking of resources.
Serverless,Function as a Service,FaaS,Open-FaaS,Kubernetes,Benchmarking
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