Identifying Excessive Academic Burden in Multiple Student Talent Development Programs based on Role Transition Analysis

International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD)(2022)

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A certain degree of academic burden may be good to engage the students work hard to achieve better, but excessive academic burden may bring harm to students ’ health and therefore academic. When there are several different student talent development programs exists for a certain group of students, the whole academic burden may be underestimated as involved directors may not know the burden of other programs to the student. Even facing the same programs, students are at different talent level, and some students are optimistic to the academic burden but others are pessimistic, which results in different performance. Identifying the excessive academic burden is essential to predict the bad performance and enable the directors to adjust the programs accordingly. In this paper, role based algorithms are adopted and students in different sites, such as dormitory, laboratory, classroom, library, gymnasium and canteen, are recognized as different rote playing. The rote transition is analyzed so as to find out the potential academic burden. A prototype is built and experiments showed that some significant academic burden in multiple student talent development programs can be recognized.
Academic burden,student talent development program,role transition,role based analysis
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