An Evaluation of the Multi-platform Efficiency of Lightweight Cryptographic Permutations

Innovative Security Solutions for Information Technology and Communications(2022)

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Permutation-based symmetric cryptography has become increasingly popular over the past ten years, especially in the lightweight domain. More than half of the 32 second-round candidates of NIST’s lightweight cryptography standardization project are permutation-based designs or can be instantiated with a permutation. The performance of a permutation-based construction depends, among other aspects, on the rate (i.e. the number of bytes processed per call of the permutation function) and the execution time of the permutation. In this paper we analyze the execution time and code size of assembler implementations of the permutation of Ascon, Gimli, Schwaemm, and Xoodyak on an 8-bit AVR and a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller. Our aim is to ascertain how well these four permutations perform on microcontrollers with very different architectural and micro-architectural characteristics such as the available register capacity or the latency of multi-bit shifts and rotations. We also determine the impact of flash wait states on the execution time of the permutations on Cortex-M3 development boards with 0, 2, and 4 wait states. Our results show that the throughput (in terms of permutation time divided by rate when the capacity is fixed to 256 bits) of the permutation of Ascon, Schwaemm, and Xoodyak is similar on ARM Cortex-M3 and lies in the range of 41.1 to 48.6 cycles per rate-byte. However, on an 8-bit AVR ATmega128, the permutation of Schwaemm outperforms its counterparts of Ascon and Xoodyak by a factor of 1.20 and 1.59, respectively.
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