
Tuning of photovoltaic response in multiferroic heterojunction photodiodes by a built-in electric field and carrier transport: Effect of magnetization and ferroelectric polarization

Kaixin Guo, Rongfen Zhang,Li Ren,Yaosen Ye,Xu Wang, Chaoyong Deng

Journal of Alloys and Compounds(2023)

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Photovoltaic devices consisting of multiferroic thin films have been studied extensively for carrier se-paration regulated by a built-in electric field and the above bandgap. Here, a novel photodiode with pho-toelectric conversion efficiency (PCE) of 3.70% by introducing TiO2 and NiOx:5%Cu as the electron and the hole transport layers (ETL/HTL) on both sides of multiferroic bismuth layered perovskite oxide Bi2FeCrO6/ Bi6Fe1.6Co0.2Ni0.2Ti3O18 (BFCO/BFCNT) heterojunction with the appropriate band gap were reported based on our recent studies. The results showed that BFCNT displays an Aurivillius structure, but BFCO is of a double perovskite, the bandgaps are similar to 1.62 eV and 1.74 eV, respectively. The open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current density, and fill factor of the devices are 0.73 V, 10.5 mAmiddotcm-2, and 48.3% separately under the illumination of 100 mWmiddotcm-2 simulated AM 1.5 G solar light. Investigations of the effects of both external electric and magnetic fields on the photovoltaic responses delivered that the magnetization and ferro-electric polarization can effectively tune the built-in electric field and the carrier transport in multiferroics, thus offering an experimental and theoretical basis for further improving the performance of multiferroic photovoltaic devices.(c) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Multiferroicity,Heterojunction,Photodiodes,Tuning of photovoltaic response
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