
Chaetophractus villosus (Desmarest, 1804) (Xenarthra: Euphractinae) in Uruguay (Upper Pleistocene): Taxon age, biogeography, and paleoclimatic implications

Journal of Mammalian Evolution(2022)

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A skull of a fossil adult euphractine armadillo collected near San Ramón (Canelones department) is described. The specimen comes from the Lujanian deposits of the Dolores Formation (Upper Pleistocene-Greenlandian) in Uruguay. The skull is very similar to Chaetophractus villosus and Euphractus sexcinctus but is smaller and differs from the latter in having a well-separated optical foramen and sphenorbital fenestra. In E. sexcinctus , both foramina are placed nearer to one another in a single depression in the orbital region. The studied skull is larger, proportionally more slender and proportionally more depressed dorsoventrally compared with the skulls of Chaetophractus vellerosus and Chaetophractus nationi . Like E. sexcinctus , its ear canal is laterally located and differs from that of C. nationi and C. vellerosus , in which the canals are dorsally or dorsolaterally located, respectively. Finally, multivariate analyses support an affinity with Chaetophractus in terms of proportions. This finding, as well as its radiocarbon date, confirms the presence of C. villosus in Uruguay, extending its fossil record far outside the range of its current distribution. Furthermore, it suggests environmental conditions linked with a more arid and colder climate than that today in the southern part of Uruguay during the latest Pleistocene. This is congruent with the environmental information given by other representatives of the Dolores Formation fauna.
Chaetophractus villosus,Upper Pleistocene,Dolores Formation,Uruguay,Arid climate
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