
Genomic Diversity, Virulence and Source of Campylobacter Jejuni Contamination in Irish Poultry Slaughterhouses by Whole Genome Sequencing.

Journal of applied microbiology(2022)

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Aims The aim was to exploit whole genome sequencing (WGS) to assess genomic diversity, identify virulence genes and deduce the proportion of Campylobacter colonized broilers that directly contaminate their carcasses. Methods and Results Campylobacter jejuni isolates (107) from caeca and carcass neck skin samples (50 pairs from the same batch plus 7 individual caeca) sampled at three poultry slaughterhouses over a one-year period were selected for sequencing (MiSeq; Illumina). FastQ files were submitted to BioNumerics for analysis using the wgMLST scheme for allele calling. Campylobacter cgMLST and hierarchical clustering was performed by applying the single linkage algorithm. Sequence types (STs) were determined in silico from the WGS data and isolates were assigned into clonal complexes (CCs) using the Campylobacter database. Virulence genes were determined by downloading core sequences from the virulence factor database (VFDB) and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). A high degree of diversity was observed with 23 different STs identified. ST257 and CC-21 were the most common STs and CCs, respectively. cgMLST analysis suggested that 56% of carcass contamination was a direct result of contamination from caeca from the same batch. Virulence genes known to play a role in human C. jejuni infection were identified such as the wlaN gene and the genes associated with lipooligosaccharide synthesis, which were identified in 30% of isolates. Conclusions Caecal colonization was the more plausible occurring source of C. jejuni contamination of broiler carcasses, compared with cross-contamination from another batch or the environment. The high rate of genetic diversity observed amongst caecal isolates is consistent with a wide variety of Campylobacter strains circulating in poultry flocks in Ireland. Significance and Impact of Study The results will further inform broiler processors and regulators about the influence and importance of on-farm colonization versus slaughterhouse cross-contamination and the relationship between C. jejuni in caeca and carcasses during processing.
Campylobacter jejuni,contamination,diversity,poultry,slaughterhouse,whole genome sequencing
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