Evaluation of Hydropower Equivalents Parameters Over Time

Pandu Prianto,Evelin Blom,Lennart Soder

2022 6th International Conference on Green Energy and Applications (ICGEA)(2022)

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Actual hydropower systems often contain complex river systems, making simulations of hydropower systems computationally extensive. With the help of an Equivalent model, which is an artificial simpler hydropower system, the computational issue can be avoided. The Equivalent model aims to imitate the actual hydropower system, hence can be used for studies of large power systems with faster computational time. In this paper, different Equivalent models of hydropower systems in different periods and trading areas in Sweden have been computed, which are then evaluated and validated by comparing the hourly relative power generation difference. The relative power difference is 4.89% – 19.36%, depending on the period and trading area. Different Equivalent model performance over time indicates that the Equivalent parameters should change over time. By dividing a year appropriately, a well performing Equivalent can be obtained, which is shown by the Equivalent with low relative power difference.
hydropower,hydropower model,equivalent model,particle swarm optimisation
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