
The Quality of Blended Cotton and Denim Waste Fibres: The Effect of Blend Ratio and Waste Category


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Cotton is one of the most-used natural fibres in the world due to its relative comfort and strength compared with other natural fibres. However, the processing of cotton for manufacturing products consumes a lot of water, while harvesting cotton uses significant amounts of pesticides. One solution to this ecological problem is to recycle cotton waste. This study investigated the effect of blending virgin cotton with two categories of denim cotton waste-sourced during the winding and dyeing processes and used in various ratios-on the quality of blended denim cotton. The study was realised in collaboration with a large manufacturer of denim fabrics in Tunisia and a producer of preparation machines in Italy and aimed to use an adequate process to recycle cotton yarn waste and to obtain fibres with acceptable quality. The research aimed at providing a solution to the great demand for denim with the use of reclaimed fabric, which accompanies the increased need for denim with a fancy effect and the obligation of denim producers to follow environmental standards required by many brands The results show that it is possible to obtain a good quality of blend yarn using virgin cotton and cotton waste even when the waste content exceeds 50%. These results are significant for textile mills. Reprocessing fibres from denim colour-processing waste has a lot of advantages, including reductions in wastewater treatment and the consumption of energy, chemicals and water. In addition, the process eliminates the need for the dyeing and finishing processes of these coloured fibres.
denim, dyed cotton waste, mechanical recycling, fibre quality index, fibre blend
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