A grazing-driven positive nutrient feedback loop and active sexual reproduction underpin widespread Noctiluca green tides

ISME Communications(2022)

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The mixoplankton green Noctiluca scintillans (g Noctiluca ) is known to form extensive green tides in tropical coastal ecosystems prone to eutrophication. In the Arabian Sea, their recent appearance and annual recurrence have upended an ecosystem that was once exclusively dominated by diatoms. Despite evidence of strong links to eutrophication, hypoxia and warming, the mechanisms underlying outbreaks of this mixoplanktonic dinoflagellate remain uncertain. Here we have used eco-physiological measurements and transcriptomic profiling to ascribe g Noctiluca ’s explosive growth during bloom formation to the form of sexual reproduction that produces numerous gametes. Rapid growth of g Noctiluca coincided with active ammonium and phosphate release from g Noctiluca cells, which exhibited high transcriptional activity of phagocytosis and metabolism generating ammonium. This grazing-driven nutrient flow ostensibly promotes the growth of phytoplankton as prey and offers positive support successively for bloom formation and maintenance. We also provide the first evidence that the host g Noctiluca cell could be manipulating growth of its endosymbiont population in order to exploit their photosynthetic products and meet critical energy needs. These findings illuminate g Noctiluca ’s little known nutritional and reproductive strategies that facilitate its ability to form intense and expansive g Noctiluca blooms to the detriment of regional water, food and the socio-economic security in several tropical countries.
green tides,positive nutrient feedback loop,active sexual reproduction,grazing-driven
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