
Dual RNA and 16S Ribosomal DNA Sequencing Reveal Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi-Mediated Mitigation of Selenate Stress in Zea Mays L. and Reshaping of Soil Microbiota

Ecotoxicology and environmental safety(2022)

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Excessively high concentrations of selenium (Se) in soil are toxic to crop plants, and inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can reverse Se stress in maize (Zea mays L.). To investigate the underlying mechanisms, maize seedlings were treated with sodium selenate (5 mg Se[VI] kg-1) and/or AMF (Funneliformis mosseae and Claroideoglomus etunicatum). Dual RNA sequencing in mycorrhiza and 16 S ribosomal DNA sequencing in soil were performed. The results showed that Se(VI) application alone decreased plant dry weight, but increased plant Se concentration, total Se content (mainly selenocysteine), and root superoxide content. Inoculation with either F. mosseae or C. etunicatum increased plant dry weight, decreased Se accumulation and selenocysteine proportion, enhanced root peroxidase activity, and alleviated oxidative stress in Se(VI)-treated plants. Inoculation also downregulated the expression of genes encoding Se transporters, assimilation enzymes, and cysteine-rich receptor-like kinases in Se(VI)-stressed plants, similar to plant–pathogen interaction and glutathione metabolism related genes. Conversely, genes encoding selenium-binding proteins and those related to phenylpropanoid biosynthesis were upregulated in inoculated plants under Se(VI) stress. Compared with Se(VI)-free plants, Se tolerance index, symbiotic feedback percentage on plant dry weight, and root colonization rate were all increased in inoculated plants under Se(VI) stress, corresponding to upregulated expression of ‘key genes’ in symbiosis. AMF inoculation increased bacterial diversity, decreased the relative abundances of selenobacteria related to plant Se absorption (e.g., Proteobacteria and Firmicutes), and improved bacterial network complexity in Se(VI)-stressed soils. We suggest that stress-mediated enhancement of mycorrhizal symbiosis contributed to plant Se(VI) tolerance, whereas AMF-mediated reshaping of soil bacterial community structure prevented excessive Se accumulation in maize.
Mycorrhiza,Selenate,Transcriptome,Bacterial community,Zea mays L
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