COCO-DR: Combating the Distribution Shift in Zero-Shot Dense Retrieval with Contrastive and Distributionally Robust Learning

emnlp 2022(2022)

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We present a new zero-shot dense retrieval (ZeroDR) method, COCO-DR, to improve the generalization ability of dense retrieval by combating the distribution shifts between source training tasks and target scenarios. To mitigate the impact of document differences, COCO-DR continues pretraining the language model on the target corpora to adapt the model to target distributions via COtinuous COtrastive learning. To prepare for unseen target queries, COCO-DR leverages implicit Distributionally Robust Optimization (iDRO) to reweight samples from different source query clusters for improving model robustness over rare queries during fine-tuning. COCO-DR achieves superior average performance on BEIR, the zero-shot retrieval benchmark. At BERT Base scale, COCO-DR Base outperforms other ZeroDR models with 60x larger size. At BERT Large scale, COCO-DR Large outperforms the giant GPT-3 embedding model which has 500x more parameters. Our analysis show the correlation between COCO-DR's effectiveness in combating distribution shifts and improving zero-shot accuracy. Our code and model can be found at \url{}.
distributionally robust learning,distribution shifts,zero-shot
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